Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wearing a pair of suitable shoes should be strong

Wearing a pair of suitable shoes should be strong and soft heel support shoes, ten toes in shoes free activities, and the substrate are comfortable and adequate internal space. our foot bones are prominent to the top of the arch, there are three negative focus, namely the heel, the lateral and medial forefoot. Usually, when people walk, in order to reduce foot fatigue, even by force the three of negative focus, the arch and to maintain the arch of the ligaments, muscles and plantar fascia together constitute a very reasonable on the mechanical properties of elastic arch structure of the system together to accomplish energy absorption, shock mitigation, protection of the joint enough to prevent the role of visceral damage.

wear high heels, the body's gravity are mostly concentrated in the first foot, over time it will be pain, swelling and other symptoms. wear high heels, the body center of gravity forward tilt, people will stoop in order to maintain the natural balance of the body, so that the location of spinal changes, compression of nerve waist, may lead to sciatica; while back strained back muscle over contraction, so that lumbar facet joint and joint capsule tense, if things continue the joint capsule and back muscles prone to fatigue, causing low back pain; legs, perineum and lower abdominal muscles tense, affecting the blood circulation of the pelvic will lead to lumbosacral pain.

passive elevation of the heel when wearing high heels, the destruction of the ankle joint stability, ankles easy walking outside Shui. Combined with a relatively narrow heel heels instability, believe and lead to habitual ankle sprain.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Campus Introduction: The so-called campus wind

Campus Introduction: The so-called campus wind, is but a checkered pattern + bow, flat dress shoes, POLO sweater - Leggings and sisters did not experience any storms? Even if the encounter in 2010 the legend of the most suitable year marriage, but also ready to sacrifice innocent one back, so that we understand that nothing in this world can not wear clothing styles, just to see who wear it. Ka bow tie and the so-called campus style, is nothing but a checkered pattern + bow tie, dress t flat shoes, POLO sweater - Leggings and sisters did not experience any storms? even encounter the legend in 2010 the most appropriate year marriage, but also ready to sacrifice innocent one back, so that we understand that nothing in this world can not wear clothing styles, just to see who wear it.the imagination of most people on the uniform from Hong Kong, Japan, the interpretation of their peers, ties and bow as one of the most vivid symbols of the two representatives.

Black is hot, both male and female models, with silk-like or veil-like texture, gives a sense for the elegant, the same time, a little detached from reality. But others with colorful method (rival is actually the Check set), but in order to keep a low profile style, or other super good mood when it put intoaction. There is also a popular bow shape is docked in the hair above the hair band or hair bands mmm. Check endless love Anna Sui Marc by Marc Jacobs Paul Smith Women make to design a set of all levels of satisfaction with the Plaid While simple installation, let the remaining interest in wearing women who produce even more difficult. or go neutral wind, improved Men's Plaid is a good attempt to set the recent.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

mad philosopher and material are considered

mad philosopher and material are considered the same shoes as works of art worthy of a collection. And comes to appreciate a girl wearing beautiful high heels, Almost everyone can do. As for how to choose your own personal style to a more clear-cut shoes, you should probably listen to the recommendations of fashion writer HadleyFreeman. text Hadley Freeman Philippines first lady Imelda Marcos collection of more than 3,000 pairs of shoes,Picasso's love of pieces of work, is like a pair of U.S. material and admirers of the love of shoes. Of course, we understand that Bataille said that the purpose of this statement is not to applaud for the shoes, he is just not to Picasso paid no attention, but it does not matter, even with all the French intellectual works of art with shoes to play down the remarks, it is enough to satisfy the.shoes that people can gain a little more or less fun, even if men are no exception.too many men like these shoes rule, is simply the number of entries than the consciousness is transferred to the shoes above. even the minutiae of the shoes and then issue worthy of their picky about it, from the Irish thick leather emboss toe shoes are allowed drilling department, to the Department of Law laces which of several mm I would say is that men, young boys and they love to wear athletic shoes are not me another.

In order to catch up with us in Subas

In order to catch up with us in Subas, he did not break off to. In other words, from yesterday, and we broke up, he was running a full two days in the mountains did not sleep a wink. Adventure on by tahoun seems too far away , even he could not say this word, in his eyes as we dry everything work, all to support the family.
night, rushing tents, the wind blowing the sound of mountain, Although accustomed to the wild life in a long time I could not sleep. I admired by Tahoun, I thought, those of us called and his senior outdoor donkey was so small compared to the. by tahoun a generation living in the Kunlun Mountains in the The villagers, with his piety and honest to be accepted by the Kunlun Mountains, making him the son of a Ming Kunlun Mountains. and we come here from afar, at best, only touch the corner of the Kunlun Mountains, the Kunlun Mountains to want to accept our still have a very long way to go, but also face more challenges in a more brutal. crossing the sulfur sulfur Daban Daban meters above sea level, is the new Tibetan plateau on the northern edge of a iconic Daban, crossed into the Uruk Daban basin on. We have one day to climb sulfur Daban to Segezi Kule Lake, 33 km of the line because the whole there is no water, which each player are not small for a test