Thursday, March 3, 2011

000 kilometers among them

But the data of railroad department suggest, 20101-11 months, the railroad department totally completes capital construction to invest 606,700,000,000 dollars;The same period transports gross earnings to complete 412,000,000,000 dollars-receipt and expenditure to combine unbalance.
Medium hurl adviser circulate the profession Li Xue Rong of researcher to tell 《economic Chinese weekly magazine 》 , the simplicity sees from the angle of financial analysis, two index signs of railroad profession:Liquidity ratio and soon move ratios is aller obviously low than other professions, these two index signs mainly use to measure repaying debt of business enterprise ability."The short date of railroad department repays debt risk stronger."Li Xue Rong says.
According to the people is livelihood bank(600016.SH)《2010 the middle of the years, the country transportation industry development report (next call a 《report 》 )》 releasing suggest, the fast- increasing obligation margin scale makes the interest that the railroad section pays in 2009 already arrive above 40,000,000,000 dollars, in the future may more than 100,000,000,000 dollars.The railroad is constucts funds source, the proportion of obligation margin, already from 48.83% in 2005, rises for 2009 of more than 70%.The obligation margin of the rapid growth scale, make property liabilities rate year by year rise, the liabilities aggregate in 2009 anticipates more than a dollars, property liabilities leads Tiffany & Co to above 55% and anticipate in 2012 probably more than 70%.
Not only such, according to 《medium long-term railway network programming 》 after adjusting, till 2020, the national railroad operation mileage will attain more than 120,000 kilometers and lately set up Mass Rapid Transit 16,000 kilometers among them.The construction funds of these 16,000 kilometer high speed railways will have a half to above come from an obligation margin.《Audit a report 》 said that since 2014, the railroad department will welcome to repay loan high peak.

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