Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Xu Jing said

National Defense University, I believe they will not let us down. " After hearing this, prince at last with interpretation. He is not alone, and the left and sad, but worried about their future life, the anguish of war does not mean that one or two days will be able to recover, it needs the support for a long time. Now they have heard what the future will not be a big problem, the prince, it has been sufficient. Thus Prince nodded to see the blue Hao said, "since christian louboutin discount they have been arranged for you, I do not want to say, but now I attack on the remaining three persons, simply fail to meet after the fighting in the more difficult. " Looking at the prince at last with interpretation, there is fear of attacks on the group, blue Hao helpless smile, "worry, I have already been informed that as we take a rest period of six team members will be added to the war Wolf team. Added to the Group will attack, you are not always observers do not go back to you will be accompanied by a name. " Prince silent nodded, when the helicopter landed with unique roar in safe houses in the not far from the ground. "Go to assemble teams. Our Home! " The team members heard the roaring sound helicopter earlier, there has been in a blue Ho and the prince said. Ho The Lan gradually over the past, because the fighting and survive the excitement of the players, cried, "the aircraft. " The blue Hao, to the Senior Special Xu Jing and slowly came up. Blue Hao direct turned to her said: "thank you for your assistance in this task, worked hard! " Such a serious look at the Blue Hao, Xu Jing smiled and said "it is not what you are the hard work. I hope will also meet. all the way. He extended his right hand. " At the same time blue Ho also extended his right hand firmly hold the one hand, Xu Jing said: "the country in this connection, that there are opportunities for cooperation. "That loose hand, the body of aircraft. Looking at the Blue Hao firm Figure Viewed from Behind, Xu Jing smiling quietly said, "will have the opportunity. " under the cover of helicopters in the evening, the rising slowly. The air to the dawn of the distant. It has left traces of the battlefield, everywhere is the explosion of debris and the pit. scattered bits and pieces of bodies, and firearms. "In this way? "a Police look at the helicopter to go away the leader said. "should be taken. "The captain said quietly. "Oh! I go, we are clean, even to sweep the battlefield here, I am a bit cannot captain! "Another extremely dissatisfied with the police said. The Special Police team looked at the incomplete and around the body of shells and strewn with blood.

Blue Ho extended his right hand gently on the shoulders of the prince said

suddenly heard a louboutin sale weak voice sounded very weak, "You have to leave? " Blue Ho Yin Fang hands back seen embracing low in front of the first question. Thus the pale blue Hao answered "YES! It is to leave immediately. The helicopter "Oh, I really do not know what my parents. I do not know why it was to kill me! "said Yin Fang small voice cry cry," You have to sacrifice a teammates, I really do not know the..... " la good suddenly interrupted heard here she said, "I know, do n,t blame you! Do you not to blame, we are military personnel, it is our mission. " Yin Fang rise with the tears eyeful see a strong blue Hao, "Thank you, blue hao! I will always remember you! really thank you! "That does not blue Ho said that the rapid run away. Looking at the Blue Ho Yin Fang suddenly left with a smile, "it was a child. "Of course blue Ho made this remark at the same time do not think there is much worse. In fact the Yin Fang almost! The prince quietly came when the situation, and you can chat? " "We can of course! You said. "Blue Hao serious look at the Prince said. "I concluded that the fire started at the expense of the reasons is that lack of snipers, if there was a sniper cover, that is the enemy may just be the snipers. Now we war Wolf team I a sniper, too little, although I attacks team might come back, but if there are still fighting in the what to do, you should know that snipers role in the battlefield. It was decided that the outcome of the key. "The Prince slowly across the Blue Hao complained that their views. "Yes, this just now I have always thought that we are lack of snipers. There is another thing to tell you! "Blue Hao serious look at the Prince" expressed the hope that you have heard, cool! " Wang Hao blue do not know why it is nodded said: "You! " "Just accept this time, I received a notice of the hospital, has not told you that you are afraid distraction. The loneliness and sniper group, since the last battle front lonely and Stinger and injuries are too heavy, has not resumed.... " "What do you say, what do you mean? "Prince loud cries. The First Chapter 48 volume. The Chapter 48 heard blue HO, do not believe that the Prince of the blue HO asked loudly. "I mean is that because of their injuries are too serious, we cannot go back to the battlefield. "blue eyes closed quiet Ho said. Prince sad because he did not want to see the facial expressions. "Why-----" Prince mouth grunt, my heart is sinking into low ebb. Looking at the Prince of the true expression of blue Hao gently shook his head said, "Prince, do not, since we chose the military occupation, then we have to pay for this and we all, including life! I think you should think about this level. I do not say what the loneliness and, while leaving the force, but the spirit of fighting has always inspired us. "Here, blue Ho extended his right hand gently on the shoulders of the prince said:" the arrangements for their future life, I have sent them to direct relations through the

"rest assured that his remains will be directly buried in the Hefei martyrs

nodded pick up the phone and slowly in the ear to ear, the news that Wang Tao voice: "I know you, I hope you will understand. now you have finished the mandate, Yin Fang protection to the security of person, you have already on the road of helicopters. " Wang Tao, listening, blue Hao was in no doubt, Wu said he is just not possible, but as soldiers, must comply with christian louboutin cheap the guidelines for military personnel, thus firm replied, ". Feng Yun! "and then hang up telephone. The little dragon nodded and said that call, the neck of the Communication Manager of the order ", I was on fire, now safe houses before the Assembly. " 1 Group "understand" Group 2 understanding ". " "Prince know! " A moment to the players have to reach the target, tidy stood there! a deep breath here. Blue Ho look neat and standing members, suddenly do not know what to say, but it must be said. Thus the loud cries: "Lizheng! " What a hero---- Neat voice, with the sound of shock. "What are we? "Blue HO asked loudly. "War Wolf! "Members of the ROARs piercing the sky. "We are fighting Wolf, always fighting the wolf, the enemies of the wolf, the enemies of the cold gall Wolf! the "Blue Hao low voice communications in the air," as the fighting, there are at the expense of the wolf in war time, we are ready to sacrifice. ready to strengthen the nation and pay their own. In that case, then let us continue fighting..... the state and the family, a brother, for himself, fighting! ! ! ! ! " "Fighting. fighting. fighting. -----members of the "Blue Ho led to the morale of the enemy to the fear that after the cold ROARs courage! ! ! ! ! Looking at the passion of the players, blue Hao was very pleased that nodded said: "I now order that the next mandate to take a rest and training. The helicopter immediately to the US, we are ready! " ". "Members to return to the voice immediately. This was the first step, Fang cried, "Report. " "said. "There is no question that Fang, blue HO did not hesitate to say so directly. "We want to carry out fire in the body. "fangs heavy said. Blue HO nodded serious said: "rest assured that his remains will be directly buried in the Hefei martyrs, cemetery. We will use the hero fire burial rites, I can assure you! " Blue Fangs heard Ho, said nothing. Because he knows that if blue Ho said that it will be done. Because of their wolves wolves Wang! ! ! "We are ready to go! "Blue Ho see players have no doubt direct command. We look at the departure of the Figure Viewed from Behind, blue Hao heart is a good feeling that the task of such a dangerous, it will not say that the blue Hao heart is not know how to face the future of the casualties, but as a soldier, a commander. The blue Ho must once again their strict training, increase the survival rates battlefield.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Obesity with their big fat Nose bridge stare about the

to the kitchen ...

Enjoyable after dinner, Doris Long Hao East to send back home, a man walking alone in the Zhongshan Bridge, after thinking about how to go the distance, Doris is father

knew that it is impossible to help, had been to Doris home several times, her parents, so full of contempt in the eyes, deep network in the bottom of my heart, the

family poverty, high tuition fees to continue reading is impossible, he does not want to let parents working to exhaustion, quietly ask for help.

Unfortunate childhood encounter with his profound understanding of human wellbeing of inconstancy of human relationships, always wanted to keep the sub had peace of

mind reading, but suffered humiliation, day day mature state of mind, clear that in order not to be bullied, then Only by allowing yourself strong, strong enough to

anger, people catch up. Long Hao East Shensui eyes to the front, and looked resolute. as if to see a way to go .. own for several days, hustle and bustle of the

streets on doing nothing more than holding the bag out of the three young people hanging around everywhere, Lee III, Long Hao Dong, Wang Haitao. the future situation

of these three young gangsters sitting in the park at this time, bored men and women looked at the park.

A handsome sitting on a stone bench looks lovely girl greet the eyes of Lee III, Li stared at the three large color Mimi seeing cute girls on the stone bench, a smile

Hey, that looks like a hungry wolf to see the sheep as saliva flow is faster, Long Hao Wang Haitao Dong and shook his head helplessly. Lee more than he was threecolor

color, from the outside come in five colors dyed hair wearing a fitted Singular strange that young people exposed since Enough cute girl smile came to the front.

One of the first dyed blue hair looks pretty handsome youth with a television, the tone of the socalled gentleman laughed: "Hello, Miss, can you make a friend?" Is

cute girl playing with the phone, looked up hair and colorful dress standing beside a strange five young satyrlike being with their own eyes, know that society rogue

troll, do not be silent, got up and left oblique stare.

To see the sheep wandering, procure the food, how could let a hungry wolf? Hey smile reached a five youth stopped, the cute girl around the middle, "Hey, you do? Few

men to bully a girl, What kind of hero." Several youth surprised a moment, turned to look, see a body age, obesity with their big fat Nose bridge stare about the

Korean side came over, one after another from his waist pocket knife out of the hollow iron rods or springs.

First dyed blue hair for a young mouth write: "Bah! You do the live impatient is it! Tube I meddle. Accommodat

And the atmosphere became

ating heart burst forth, head down, quietly muttering Road. Small hand unconsciously rubbing clothing or jewelry pink lace shirt.

"Doris, I found out that you are so beautiful!" Color * Long Hao East that actually shameless eyes upon the snow began to walk up Yao. Pink lace shirt, white slacks, a

white square with a pair of casual shoes, beautiful delicate oval face, long black shiny hair. Hundred percent of a small beauty. Long Hao East not here with saliva

from the mouth of the pharynx.

"Ho East, do not look at me? Me .. me .." Snow Dragon Ho Tung Yao is eyes upon himself walk up and down, her face was actually like a ripe red apple, but also become

hesitant to speak up, but my mind was give birth to a trace of sweetness.

"Oh, sorry, blame your long so beautiful." Dragon eyes Ho East Doris who immediately collected from the back, embarrassed, scratched his head, hehe laughs. Eyes did

not forget Doris secretly glanced at him then look towards the press is playing a 17inch color television put a little calm, but my mind was also thump thump dance all


New people, new book, feel that we can support, I feel bad writing can Paizhuan! Thank you fruit here, please everyone collection, vote!

Young and restless child succeed Chapter fatDoris sweet heart, but who has a girl Nya, actually speechless for a time, only the Philippines face red, low with a small

head and eyes to watch their little feet, and occasionally with oblique light cast a glance to see what is staring at the TV Dragon Ho Tung, and the atmosphere became

very awkward for a time. heard the voice broke the awkward open atmosphere, the dragon mother to buy food back, as if Doris met the savior, the dragon mother get up

and get busy cooking, Long Ma Jian Xue Yao face with a touch of blush, knowing that with a smile Oh Doris went

Instead showing a sweet smile

Dragon Mom went out to buy food, Doris Lung Ho East and then just outside the topic of conversation also turned to the topic on. "Ho East, I am sorry, because I and

you and fertilizer victims were expelled from school three of them." Apologetically, Doris Road, reddish face.

"Silly girl, does not matter, for I think would do the same for others, not to mention we are good friends with small to most of it. The son of a bitch so take

liberties with you, insult you, I start with very light up." Lung Ho break at noon Eastern time to recall, that on weekdays defiant, arrogant, relied on his family

background, around bullying classmates, Scouting for Girls Li Xu, actually in front of many students in the * face of aerodromes, Doris molested in broad daylight, At

the same time the mouth is also an insult to the mouth of the bad language with its own little hair from small to large. On the minds of angry, anxious to once again

like to beat the beast.

"I really thank you, ho East, just you and the fat ... they fired three Haitao, this .. the whole city schools are not closing your ah, how do?" Doris Fenlian micro

red, think small to large as long as they are being bullied, just this boy immediately rushed to protect themselves, speak out for themselves. Very warm heart, a

perception not even their own feelings initiation in slowly. Guardian of such a friend in his side every day is your own happiness. But the thought of the victims

because of their not a book he read, and my heart sad exception, hate myself useless.

Long Hao East to see with their eyes had grown up with this girl look bad, knowing in her heart and sad for his dismissal. Expression of pretending it does not matter

Hey smiles: "Doris, you worry, read here, can not, you can go outside, read it. I do not care what the school, which is the beast eyeful snobbish teacher, I was afraid

they defiled me. "

"Well, my dad seems to have a friend who is one of the key C City, a vice president of the school, when I talk with my father to see if he can help you talk to, so you

go there to read." Hear Doris Long Hao East is to say, my heart suddenly sick a lot. His face was quiet, instead showing a sweet smile.

Doris the sweet smile, Long Hao East to stay, Doris eyes that actually gazed at a little white and supple rosy pretty face, and today I realized that Doris so

beautiful ah!

"See what?" Snow Dragon Ho Tung Yao eyes actually looked blankly themselves, not help change face more red, be

Thin lips gently sip a small mouth

looked at the kindly smile, handsome looks beautiful, sensible and wellbehaved girl, eyes full of love.

"Thank you, Auntie." Exposed pure girl smile, smile, white and slender hands out gently took the woman, handing me the warmth of the cup, and my heart faint trace of

pain leak out, the girl strong self so calm, her hands tea cup, thin lips gently sip a small mouth, think of Ho Tung and wounded the police station because she was his

early lead director is son was expelled from school, and my heart sorry for the addition of a trace of Health. The girl, although strong from the heart to throbbing try

to calm down, but the pair of eyes full of anxiety but betrayed her heart.

Middleaged women see in the eyes, in mind, the eyes of love with the addition of a few minutes, was secretly pleased, it seems that this child blessed East ho ah! Such

a beautiful and wellbehaved girl, cute ah! Long naive to think that my mother and her son love this beautiful girl and wellbehaved, and human nature, the mother who

does not want his son to marry a pretty sensible wife. Even though they are still small, but people in rural areas consciousness, seventeenyearold has reached the

marriage age.

"Tapping at" door knock sounded the voice of a smiling middleaged women sitting on the sofa beautiful old girl said: "It should be ho East back." Finish Qishen Zhao


"Mom, I,m back." Middleaged woman opened the door, Long Hao East grabbed women smile about the neck, actually withdraw from the tender to. "Silly boy, the family also

do, so much the people are stuck." Dragon mother entered the room side of the East side ho took so long eye color.

"Ho East." Beautiful girl on the sofa looked at Long Hao East, got up and cried softly, blushing slightly. "Doris, you come ah! Great, I just say something to you."

Long Hao East pretending to be surprised, He laughs.

"You first, and chat while watching TV, I went to Nongnong food, Yao sister ah, you here this evening for dinner to forget it, finally came to this trip." Dragon

mother is bent on eating thumping Tuo found this pretty and sensible girl to do the future wellbehaved daughter was. Le Zizi heart, look at the future of his son and

the daughter found a very impressive talk, carrying a basket to go out to buy food.

Some money

eir lives robbed of money crazy throw to the slot machine belly, the results are only enjoyed an exciting process, and then angrily kicked slot machines, Paipaipigu

sadly to leave, my heart still thinking about the money again next time. inch head youth smiled: "It seems not hide anything from you, ah, I want to go there and win

some money. But this is not the main purpose." "Oh, the dragon Colombia would like to have other ideas ????" Jian Ge. Haitao interesting to ask them. "temporarily not

tell you, when you would have to know." inch head youth pretending to be mysterious road.

Next to being without a head east to see West look no brain threeJian Wang Haitao Li and Ge said that the rise of a very disgruntled muttering: "You say? To me as the

air ah!" Wang Haitao, and Ge Oh smiled on the visual up, Oh on the fat child to see them laugh, and laugh along with tulip .... innocent youth juvenile child gas,

insurance people did not realize rivers and lakes! ...

New people, new book, feel that we can support, I feel bad writing can Paizhuan! Thank you fruit here, please everyone collection, vote!

Young and restless The second chapter rounds of small roots... The time lapse that is too soon to the school after school hours in the afternoon, three young people to

discuss their respective remember good lies a good bag to the back line in the semiuniform waist, pretended to go home.

Inch head of youth came to the door, home on the second floor, staircase corridor is very small, and because of cheap rental housing, a dark staircase, corridor,

street no trace, although not to the pitch dark, but also makes people feel something uncomfortable, can be To know it is the summer month of May only, but very bright

day of school hours.

Inch head young with so much trepidation, raising his hand he tried to knock on the door, academics room came the sound of a familiar girl is Doris? How she faster

than me? She will not be kicked out of school I do with my mom, right? Inch head young girl heard the voice of Lillian surprised. Possessed ear began to overhear the

conversation back room.

"Yao sister ah! You can find my house to learn from the Eastho, do I,m really happy mother, the first cup of water, do not thirsty." Narrow house in the small hall, a

forty years old face filled with the vicissitudes of life in rural areas face dressed woman sitting next table

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Not allowed to mention things to leave the palace

What is really on her mind What is it?
In all fairness, the clear not want to be in love to share with others, but in the ancient times, three men four concubine wife is very ordinary things.
She had some fun of his own, but the feelings of Fang Shaoqi own wishful thinking, and she now does not want to leave this unborn baby, then you want to stay in the palace, she is not be the same as the pug to win the goodwill of others to it?
But she can not, she probably can not learn in this life are those women like the palace in general please look Murong Kam.
However, she was also aware of, and now Murong Chin is feel good about themselves, even if he does not like a lapdog, like to please him, then at least let him not be offensive.
The clear is an adult, she understood if they are to survive, not just rely on dignity.
This ancient times, a woman in order to survive, it seems to be more difficult than modern.
She therefore Road, "princes so many women, which also use care what I think?" A little jealousy with Jisi, the clear answer to this is probably the most use of it Murong Kam!
She thought once christian louboutin shoes on sale seen painting in his study that children above the woman who called spin, and yet he was the Princess Mu snow, his heart too deep, the clear for him, always confused, and she see through, whether he is a kind of man.
In fact, she also found him to reflect on their attitude gradually changed, but her heart was full of all filled with Fang Shaoqi, and no intention to ignore some.
Murong Kam gently on her forehead a kiss Road, "in the past may not care, but now concerned about the."
The clear smile.
Murong Kam Road is half serious, "From now on, not allowed to mention things to leave the palace, and there will only be allowed from now on heart, I think a person of the king."
Finished the last part, his heart suddenly felt somehow, that he seems so concerned about the phrase last night and she casually said, If thou Fang Shaoqi how good?
You are my woman ④

A piece of the clear gaps in the brain

That tongue-handed forced open her white teeth, a piece of the clear gaps in the brain, which Murong Jin really love yourself?
She would not wiggle in his arms, but it did not escape his clamp.
Drive straight to his kiss, that kiss intertwined, the clear head is full of that was actually just a blank, she Murong Kam love it? She asked myself over and over again.
If you do not love, that this kiss and What is it?
Jin is kiss Murong gradually retreat down, then watched as her road, "how? To do the woman you wronged the king?"
Qingqing prevarication Road, "No, we do not to get prince regarded as 荣宠 love." She thought for those in Yingyingyanyan flattering princess look.
You are my woman ③
Qingqing prevarication Road, "No, we can not be regarded as 荣宠 princes christian louboutin discount of love." She thought for those in Yingyingyanyan flattering princess look.
Murong Jin breaking her twisted to one side of the head, let her face him, "I just want to know what you

Or else thought I rely on in the palace will not go away

n, she is really do not understand, or intentional?
In his speech with Bonu, "I will not let you leave, you is my woman!" He can not be set with any of the dice.
In fact, the belly will gradually move the children, the clear not bear the belly of the flesh and blood, and now she has understood Fang Shaoqi is minds, it seems that all the expectations of love have been dispelled.
She tentatively asked, "So I birth the baby to leave the palace without it?"
Murong Kam-mouth smile is starting a trace of frustration in the Road, "you usually see very clever, but also how many times you say the king came to realize that? You are my child is mother, also a woman so I want to stay in there for me! "
The clear low voice murmured, "of course, wanted to make sure this kind of thing, or else thought I rely on in the palace will not go away!"
Murong Jin christian louboutin sale laughed, "or so a man of character, is not the king do not you stay If you leave immediately?"
Why not this woman, like other women, active warm side of his stick sticky it?
Perhaps that is her share of modesty and the proud and unique place to go.
The clear nodded, "Do you still hanging on?" Her voice was soft and the tail.
In this sunny morning is a great temptation.
Murong Jin Meng, a turning to her own body, the lip of the cover has been handed to her lips.